Snapdragon: a fun and fragrant flower in the garden

Today we’re putting the snapdragon, also known as Antirrhinum, in the spotlight! The name "snapdragon" is believed to have originated from the flower's unique shape and structure. When the sides of the flower are gently squeezed, the "dragon's mouth" opens and closes like a jaw, resembling a dragon's mouth snapping. With its upright petals and pointed form, the snapdragon exudes strength and confidence. But there is much more that makes this flower so special. Read more!

Snapdragon flowers in beautiful colors

One of the most notable features of the snapdragon is its extensive color palette. From soft pastels to vibrant and intense hues, the snapdragon offers a wide range of choices to enhance any garden. Whether you opt for subtle pink tones, bold red blooms, or a mix of various colors, the snapdragon adds a playful and lively element to the garden.

In addition to its beautiful colors, the snapdragon is also known for its long blooming period. From early spring to late summer, this flower continues to bloom and showcase its beauty. This makes the snapdragon an excellent choice for gardeners seeking long-lasting flowers that adorn their garden throughout the season.

Attract bees and butterflies with the snapdragon!

The snapdragon is not only a feast for the eyes but also attracts pollinators such as bees and butterflies. With its tubular flowers and nectar-rich cups, the snapdragon provides a welcome food source for these important pollinating insects. By planting snapdragons in your garden, you contribute to promoting biodiversity and attracting beneficial insects.

Snapdragon care: not so difficult

Caring for snapdragons is relatively straightforward. Place the plant in a sunny location with well-draining soil and water regularly. Removing faded flowers promotes blooming and prolongs the lifespan of the plant. With proper care, you can enjoy the beautiful blooms of snapdragons for years to come.

Buying snapdragons at PP Flowers

At PP Flowers, we are delighted to offer snapdragons in our assortment. Whether you are looking for classic colors like red and yellow or prefer modern pastel shades, we have the perfect snapdragons for your customers. Explore our range in our webshop and be enchanted by the royal beauty of the snapdragon. Discover our range of snapdragons today. Explore our assortment Antirrhinum here.