Importing plants into the UK (after brexit)
How to import flowers or plants to the UK after Brexit?
Ever since the Brexit happened it became a little harder to import plants and flowers from Europe to the UK. There are a few things to keep in mind when you want to import goods to the UK. In this blog, you will be able to find all the information and everything you need to do to get your goods across the border.
Summary of the steps for importing plants into the UK:
1. Make sure you have an EORI number
2. Register at Peach
3. Authorize a clearing agent to do your customs clearance
4. Register at HMRC for Postponed VAT
5. Done! You are now able to import plants into the UK
We will explain every step for importing plants into the UK next.
1. EORI number
From now on it will be necessary to have an EORI number if you want to import goods across the border. This number is needed when you want to import plants, and in 2022 also if you want to import flowers, to the UK. The request for this number could take a few days before you actually receive your number.
To request your EORI number click here.
2. Register with Peach to do the Peach entry
Peach is the UK government system that registers all goods that have been imported. The clearing agent needs you to authorize them, so they can put the information in the system when you import. To request an account at Peach, click here.
3. Authorize a clearing agent to do your customs clearance
The clearing agent is the agent that will be the one clearing your goods through customs. We have an agent that does this for all our UK customers, so you won’t have to worry about finding a clearing agent. The clearing agent we work with is ICL (intelligent cargo logistics). You just will need to fill in some forms and send them to them. In these forms, you give ICL the authority to enter, sign and amend all customs entries which will get your shipment to your location. Of course, you could use your own clearing agent instead if you would like to do so.
To authorize ICL, follow the steps in this article
More information about ICL can be found on their site here.
If you are a UK-registered company then please also send PeachEnquiries@apha.gov.uk an e-mail instructing them to link your clearing agent to your peach account and pod. This way your clearing agent has access to put the data directly into your Peach account.
4. Register with HMRC for postponed VAT
If you register with HMRC, the VAT will be charged later by the UK government. If you don't register with HMRC, Mentfield will charge the VAT to you directly, plus an extra fee of 3%. When you import a lot, we advise you to register with HMRC to save on these extra costs.
For more information about Postponed VAT and how to register, please click here
5. Done! You are now able to import goods to the UK.
You are now done and ready to import your own flowers and plants from Holland. Just request an account with us, place your order, and we do the rest. We will deliver at your location, send the documents to your clearing agent, and the clearing agent will take care of the Peach and HMRC entry.
Extra costs
Of course, all the extra handling comes with extra costs. The extra costs are for the handling that Mentfield needs to do for you. Besides, if you import plants, we need to make a Phytosanitary certificate.
Phytosanitary certificate
Since the UK is no longer part of the EU, the plants will need to be examined before they can be sent to your location. In 2022 flowers will also need to be examined. These services cost £100.- per shipment and are required to get the shipment through customs. It will be necessary for us to have everything ready for the inspector. You will need to place your order at least one day before it is shipped to you before 10:00 (GMT+1). All flowers will be kept fresh in our cooled storage if needed, so you will have the best quality flowers delivered to your location.
This will all be handled by us, so you won’t have to worry about it.
Duties and other charges
With all the extra handlings which have to be made, extra costs will be charged. ICL charges around 90GBP for every invoice to be cleared. To see how these extra costs are built up, please read our blog about Mentfield.
If you only buy flowers of EU origin, there will be no extra duties charged. Extra duties are charged on flowers from outside the EU. For example, roses from Kenia or Ecuador.
Summary of the extra costs
The extra cost since Brexit:
- Customs Clearance 90GBP
- Phytosanitairy 100GBP (potplants only)